Grasshopper Gremlin
A Report from Peter
If you were looking very carefully when we sang at World Youth Day, you might have spotted a large dark shape on my robe, which then started moving ………..and crawling up my robe……!
To be honest, I didn’t realise there was anything there until the dark shape reached my neck and I felt it ticking me – so I quickly brushed it off.
What could this have been to attack my robe at such an important moment?
It turned out to be an enormous grasshopper!
I came off the stage feeling all tingly from it crawling up my neck.

With Grasshopper
After our Libera song, we came back on stage for the finale with all the artists and I was surprised to find the same grasshopper crawling up the microphone we were going to sing into! Fortunately for us (but not for the grasshopper) when I brushed it off, one of the grasshopper’s legs was accidentally broken which meant it couldn’t jump from the top of the microphone onto one of our robes again – which of course it probably wanted to do. I wonder how the future will be for the grasshopper now.
We named this evil grasshopper ‘The Giant Neck Lettuce”. This may sound like quite an odd name for a grasshopper, but I’ll explain. We said ‘Giant Lettuce’ because there was a name ‘Letus’ on some of the TV equipment, and we said ‘Neck’ because it crawled all the way up my robe until it reached my neck. Although the sensation of a grasshopper crawling all the way up my neck wasn’t very nice, at least it wasn’t a giant wasp – and I really had a great time at World Youth Day and enjoyed every second of it!

Without Grasshopper
« Libera in Europe – Summer 2016 – Part 2
Gary Krumwiede
6th September 2016 at 8:49 pmOh dear Peter, I think the grasshopper just liked the songs and was being playful. Blessings young souls…
Jean Pieree
9th September 2016 at 4:54 amcosas que ocurren en una presentacion, lo importante es que lo supo manejar, buen trabajo. me encanta tu musica. saludos desde peru
David. M. Williams,. (now 73);
10th September 2016 at 10:21 pmPoor Peter! Good job it wasn’t a spider; especially one of the deadly sort!! Oooerrr; scarry:
Where I was born & lived as a boy for 11 yrs+, the spiders were like Red Back & Black Widow, amount others! And sick jokes like “spiders in the funny” ~(in outside toilets) ~ could really sorry people, especially children!! Ooo-err!!
Father David Napier
18th December 2016 at 4:02 amI am exactly your age (73) and remember singing in a Boys Choir. My son sang in the Golden Gate Boys Choir and Bells Ringers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Luckily I never had such an experience with a grasshopper or spider. Especially not when singing. Peter is lucky. I had to go searching for Grasshoppers and Fireflies or Lightning Bugs as we called them in those days. God Bless Libera.
Mark in Alaska
13th September 2016 at 7:05 pmI would have jumped out of my skin if I felt that on my neck.
18th September 2016 at 12:04 pmThis kind of incidents is what I like best to read in your blogs. Very funnily described! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Lawrence Cohen
29th September 2016 at 4:44 amQuestion: Isaac London is a VERY Jewish sounding name–is he at least half Jewish?
30th September 2016 at 1:53 amI own 2 Libera albums now. They sing like baby angels!!!
Biya Hannah
5th October 2016 at 5:26 pmCoooll!! Really brave of you! I would’ve freaked out if I were you. Love this blog. Sounds so personal.
Richard Emé
17th October 2016 at 8:12 amLibera is the most great choir I have listenned for years , you are fantastic and with your songs give us peace in our heart you are angel of sky , blessings keep on singing . Peace and well friends !!!
Diane Anderson
21st October 2016 at 10:49 amI just discovered your wonderful music this early morning as I was searching YouTube during a night shift at the hospital. Your voices and lovely smiles kept me going through this long 12 hour shift. Have already purchased two of your CDs on Amazon. Thanks for a delightful shift. No grass hoppers here just some lonely souls.
Lawrence Cohen
7th November 2016 at 5:53 amI heard your rather haunting “Goodnight my angel,” and recognized it.
Grandpa used to sing it to me when I was small!
Thank you, boys.
David Llewellyn Owen
29th November 2016 at 11:07 amI was introduced to Libera by a South African journalist back in 2006. Here in the U.S., the CD’s were difficult to find at that point. I was fortunate enough to find “Libera” and later, “Luminosa”. I used to sing in a mixed men and boys choir with my dad way back in (well, you don’t want to know) and when I listened to your voices, it brought back happy memories. Boys voices change and so there’s been some new voices throughout the years, but the ethereal quality of Libera remain the same. You are all blessed and I’m certain you have blessed many people in your journeys as well. Thank You Libera
Martin Mayhew
1st March 2017 at 3:46 pmHey it could’ve been worse a cockroach, a red back spider or a tarantula