Downtime is really important on tour. It means you can concentrate in rehearsals and onstage. Normally we rehearse in the morning and then go sightseeing or watch a film and have free time in the afternoon. We moderate the time between rehearsal and practise and free time and fun. Our activities on the trip included table-tennis, football, cycling and cricket.
In San Antonio we stayed in a resort called T Bar M. The swimming here was fab; we even had late night swims after dark as the weather was so warm – not like London. The nature trail was especially good — we saw a snakeskin (luckily for us no snake). Can’t wait to go back.
The downtime in San Antonio gave us a relaxing few days to stretch back and enjoy the USA before the next two concerts that we had to perform. (And they went really well, I think.)
We even had an Easter game in which we had to hit a large bird without being able to see it!

« A Message from Isaac
fred cornelius
23rd April 2015 at 7:51 pmI want to thank you for the poster that you signed and the notes you wrote. Hope to see you in Tucson. And thank you, Isaac. for the note “Hi Fred, I sang for U tonite.” Libera is the best
25th April 2015 at 2:37 pmThanks for the blog even though it’s a short one. 🙂 Glad to know you had a great time. Thanks also for some pics and the short video. Taichi is so cute. Look at him on his bike 🙂
Alan De Wolfe
28th April 2015 at 8:05 pmI always wonder which surprise soloist will entertain us next. Come on, Alessandro. Warm up those vocal chords! Best wishes to you guys.
karl marper
30th April 2015 at 10:21 pmi realy love your music i used to goto the salvation army but i dont worship there any more i would like you to pray for me as in 2012 i was diagosed with ms i may be able to get to guilford
god bless
Xiaolin Li
14th May 2015 at 5:49 pmI think the boys in Libera can not only learn the skill to sing but also a lot of knowledge in daily life. Especailly, they can get a chance to travel around the world. Stay in Libera, they can have many games too, that is quite good. Keep going Libera, good lucky to all of you, and Welcome to China oneday!
17th May 2015 at 8:54 pmThank you guys for a great concert @ Guildford cathedral last night! It was def. worth the 1 night trip from Switzerland to Guildford!
I also got to meet Lukas’ Dad and Richard who were both really kind and made me feel like home.
Thanks for creating an unforgetable memory!
lea & gordon
18th May 2015 at 11:34 pmA lovely sunny evening at Guilford Cathedral.
Many thanks for a superb concert Libera. …well worth the trip from Glasgow.
Jacqui Dear
19th May 2015 at 10:10 amThank you for a wonderful evening, I have been a fan for quite some time and was delighted to get the opportunity to see you on Saturday. Beautiful surroundings, beautiful voices, and the Orchestra was superb. Nice to see that Joshua Madine is still with the group., and last but not least the sound and lighting technicians. I was sitting right next to them and didn’t realise how hard they work. Thank you everyone ….. a memorable performance
Happy Nezza :)
19th May 2015 at 3:15 pmYou’re choir is sooooo amazing and the way you all sing is majestic! Can’t wait to see you here in Philippines. Continue praying for other people and worshiping God 🙂
jenny piesse
3rd June 2015 at 1:24 amI am not a christian but have a strong faith in god. Your beautiful music uplifts me and I love the arrangements and the fact that most christian dogma is left out of the songs. This means everyone can love god. Some days when I cannot meditate due to anger or restlessness I listen to you guys and I am filled with joy. The boys are beautiful but whoever is the background writing and arranging music is inspiring. Thank you I am buying cd’s for mum and friends. X
Melissa Ulrich
4th June 2015 at 6:32 pmHi Libera (and Libera fans!)
I’d just like to say that like all the fans, I absolutely love Libera! I first discovered you when I was 11 years old (6yrs ago) and since then I have always dreamed of joining you, though as I am a girl and live in Yorkshire the chances of that happening are rather slim! I find your music so angelic and relaxing- especially when I’m revising for exams as ‘Benedictus Deus ‘ and the other song you did for ‘The Greatest Miracle’ I listen to them on repeat for hours! Your music has also inspired me to sing classical/Libera Style music as I have achieved my dream of being a 1st Soprano who can reach the mystifying TOP C! (your signature note!) Keep up the good work Libera as I am truly proud that you are from the UK- goes to show that Britain DOES have Talent! Haha! x
Espedito Pessoa Batista
13th June 2015 at 8:58 pmNão tive a oportunidades de ouvi o Libera ao vivo, mas o que tenho ouvido e visto no Youtube é de uma beleza angelical, como digo, faz bem ao espírito que vive em mim. Contagia a minha alma de alegria. Muito obrigado pela beleza do vosso canto, enquanto não os encontro fico contente e alegre em vê-los em vídeo. Tenho vontade em abraça-los para a gradecer tão belo canto. Afetuosos abraços.
27th June 2015 at 11:47 amI do wanna enjoy the concert 🙁 Please come to Hong Kong!
30th June 2015 at 7:52 amI found your Libera Eternal CD in The Grotto, at Portland, Oregon. I cannot begin to describe how your beautifully Angelic voices mean to me. I am ill and this CD has inspired my spirit to stay strong and believe in miracles through my faith in God, and Jesus Christ.
Thank you for healing my spirit.
Bless you all,
Hope you come to Canada soon!
Kevin Michael Peter Murawski
8th July 2015 at 3:16 amDear Isaac:
You and “Alex” Gula should do a harmony
of John Barry’s Born Free. 🙂
Silvana Chávez
17th July 2015 at 3:40 pmPlease come to Cancun, Mexico. We could prepare a beautiful concert here for all the people in the area. I am sure attending your concert would transform their lives and it would open the society’s hearts to God’s voice. We all need an eye and ear opener such as your wonderful music to soften people’s hearts. Please consider the invitation.
Ryan Martinez
18th August 2015 at 3:33 amHi Libera! As well as Libera Fans! 🙂 Most people would listen to contemporary music, but I for one listen mostly to you. I like the fact that you are able to transcend to God through the gifts and talents he gave you 🙂 And I hope you inspire a lot of other people to do the same thing – being charismatic to the Lord. Furthermore, I would be delighted if you guys would be able to come back to Manila, Philippines 🙂 Unfortunately, I was one of the unlucky people who weren’t able to get tickets and attend your concert last 2013. Nonetheless, I still love Libera! 🙂 Spread the Love of God! 🙂