A Message from Isaac
“I feel really grateful that so many people from all around the world have watched our new video for What A Wonderful World. As well as it being an important experience for us, we had lots of fun filming it too! Especially the bits that involved getting dirty.
Thank you for supporting us and our music.” #wearelibera #liberawonderful
« Filming What a Wonderful World
Terry Tschopp
12th February 2015 at 3:33 pmHi Isaac:
I have thoroughly enjoyed it and of course all of the other music you guys make.
Many thanks to you and your mates for bringing us wonderful music like “What a wonderful World”
God Bless from across the pond.
12th February 2015 at 9:47 pmHi Isaac, Glad you had a great time making your video,Our God Bless You , Dustin
12th February 2015 at 11:37 pmExcelente cancion y video
ED Calvin
16th February 2015 at 8:47 pmIsaac your solo on this “Wonderful World” video is amazing . Thank You for such dedication in all your performances.
Kayla Hoogmoed
27th February 2015 at 11:04 pmYou guys are amazing!
28th February 2015 at 11:45 amthat’s nice
5th March 2015 at 3:43 amThank you, Isaac and all the boys, for sharing your talents and gift of music to us. Keep it up! Supporting you guys all the way
God bless.
Dave Roberts
5th March 2015 at 9:37 amI just listened to the album for the first time. As much as I loved ‘Wonderful World’, I thought ‘The Prayer’ was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for the gift of your voice. PS – I’d love to hear you and Libera sing ‘Be Still (for the presence of the Lord)’
Maureen Richardson
13th March 2015 at 1:32 amIsaac lovely to hear you speaking in Irish from the Washington concert!
Alan De Wolfe
24th March 2015 at 4:14 pmIsaac, your star is ascending. What fun it must be for you and your pals to enjoy Libera. A bunch of boys traveling internationally? Wow! Dreams are made of this! You and the guys are fortunate indeed to see the world at such young ages. I’m happy to have discovered that great Libera sound (about three years ago), and lately, the magnificent solos of Isaac. Keep singing sweetly! The U.S. loves Libera.
26th March 2015 at 6:43 pmIsaac, you have such a wonderful voice, and this Wonderful World is a better place for it. I especially love the song on the new album, The Prayer. Well done my young friend. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I am looking forward with great anticipation to seeing your concert in Atlanta in just a couple weeks. Good Bless, and I’ll see you soon.
Al Covell
2nd April 2015 at 6:31 amMost every evening I put on the earphones and listen to Libera, especially you and with added anticipation of hearing the voice of Tom Cully and the rest of your mates.
“What a Wonderful World” is the masterpiece it is because of your contributions to making of the video. The role you played, the plaintive, wistful nature of your voice make the song something I will never tire of listening to.
Well done, young man!
2nd April 2015 at 6:18 pmIsaac
It was a privilege to hear Libera for my first time last night in Boston. Your solos were amazing! Thanks to you and the guys for giving Boston such a great performance. Have fun on the rest of your US tour!
5th April 2015 at 10:07 pmIsaac, I saw Libera live for the first time last night in San Antonio, and it was absolutely spectacular. Great job on the solos. I was sitting directly in front of you when you sang Danny Boy. When you approached the edge of the stage, I thought you were going to fall off right in front of me! Haha I also enjoyed chatting with you and the other members in the autograph line. Hopefully you got to visit the Alamo! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us!
11th April 2015 at 5:17 amIsaac. I too have just watched a live Libera performance for the first time. I was completely captivated the entire time. As with a previous commenter, I was blown away by your solos. You did such an amazing job. Danny Boy was masterful. Bravo. I am so glad I made the drive to see the show. I will definitely be attending more Libera concerts in the future.
Getting to chat with you and the other boys afterwards was a real treat. I love your accents and could listen to you talk all day. Come back soon, and you can be sure I’ll be in attendance.
By the way, tell Taichi I forgive him for not signing my program and making me have to go through the line and talk to all of you again. I survived.
God Bless, and keep up the amazing work.
Tim Revis
11th April 2015 at 1:08 pmHad the distinct privilege of seeing you all in Atlanta last evening. Your collective talent and dedication is evident and much appreciated. I believe yours to be the best evenng of music I’ve ever heard in Woodruff Hall. I hope you had the opportunity to see a bit of Atlanta before departing.
We will be watching your site to see if you’ve any plans to return to Atlanta in future. Warmest wishes and regards to all of you and much thanks for sharing your considerable talents.
Kevin Michael Peter Murawski
18th April 2015 at 4:05 amDear Isaac:
Do you and the boys ever longboard? What great fun! Longboarding, in case you do not know, is a form of skateboarding. The board is longer, you gracefully cruise on them, it is not an activity with many tricks, some people ride them up to ages late 40s to mid 50s, I believe, and it is great exercising liking walking in all of Great Britain.
Ps: My parish in Glenview, Illinois, USA, said they might have in interest in having you all perform.
Kevin Michael Peter Murawski
19th April 2015 at 4:24 am…my mother, like many other English Brits, had someone in her ancestry in the workhouse around the 1880s, I believe. Thank you for this Dickensian piece of art. Very sentimental to my mum and the rest of the family. I am so honored to have roots in one of my homelands of Great Britain outside of Poland, Spain and America. Thank you again Isaac and the rest of you guys!
Ps: my family has a history of serving with the Royal military in WWI and WWll. My mom as a little girl with her family remembers the German blitz air raids in WWll England.
Ps 2: Empire of the Sun is good movie about an English boy in a Japanese labor camp. I am sure if have heard of it guys. James Rainbird did a beautiful solo for that movie. Have you heard of this boy soloist from the 80s?
Rose Naputano
19th April 2015 at 7:45 pmHello, Isaac. It was my pleasure to see you perform with Libera at the Arcada Theater in St. Charles, IL. I moved to tears, especially when you sang Danny Boy. I am showing the Angels in America DVD and spreading the word about Libera. You have a beautiful gift. God’s blessings on each of you! I have become a loyal fan…
Fr. J. T. McGeean
5th May 2015 at 11:51 pmIsaac:
I was at the concert in St. Charles a few weeks ago. You and your friends were outstanding on stage. I was hoping for more encores . Being of Irish ancestry I loved Danny Boy. Thanks for a wonderful evening and come back soon.
Kevin Michael Peter Murawski
23rd May 2015 at 8:48 pmIsaac, after listening to your solo on a good stereo, now I know why Mr. Prizeman has you as the main solo! I have never heard such an interesting treble before! Tom keep that beautiful, high range going! Great elocution gents!
Robin L Rice
11th July 2015 at 8:26 amHello Isaac,and to all of Libera. I enjoyed the song, and video, as much as you did making it. I’m well chuffed with how it turned out.
The DVD is gobsmacking!
Thank you all, as well as Mr Prizeman. Congratulations, lads… It was great to see Josh M playing piano. Your fans love you all around the world. I’m gutted I’m not able to attend your concerts,as I’m quadriplegic, however, I am a MAJOR fan, and will continue to help support you,by purchasing all of your CD’s & DVD’s… Just wish I could have just one autographed, I’d be chuffed to bits! Long live Libera, Long live Crystal Palace. xx Robin
Kevin Michael Peter Murawski
30th July 2015 at 2:01 amDear Isaac:
I believe a brilliant idea would be for you and Alessandro or Cass or Tom to do a rendition of
Consider Yourself from Oliver! You would be Oliver and the other mate would be The Artful Dodger! You and Alessandro look like Oliver and The Artful Dodger, respectfully, on the America video!!
Was nice to see Josh on the keyboards. Glad I met this well regarded soloist live.
L of America
23rd April 2017 at 2:41 amI heartily agree!
Mr. Robert chooses the most talented kids in all of England!
I personally think Isaac would be great playing the Artful Dodger and Oliver (who else?) to play the title role!