
12th February 2024

UK Cathedral Concerts 2024

We have announced summer concerts in three UK cathedrals. We are delighted to return to Ely on 8th June, and Chester Cathedral on 27th July. We will also visit Lincoln Cathedral for the first time on 30th July.

Supporters will recall that we have performed in Ely three times – in 2017, 2018 and 2022.  Our 2020 concert was postponed due to the pandemic, and instead we produced an online Mini-Concert Apart but Together.   Longer standing supporters may also remember our previous visit to Chester, in 2010.  We are delighted to return to both magnificent venues and we are also very excited to visit Lincoln for the first time.

Tickets for the Ely concert are now on sale from the Cathedral Box Office or call +44 (0)1353 660349.

Tickets for Chester and Lincoln are available from Ticketsource or call +44 (0)333 666 3366.

6 Comments on “UK Cathedral Concerts 2024

Andrzej Marcol
12th February 2024 at 6:21 pm

Looks like summers trips to the UK are ahead. Thanks for announcing the concerts with longer notice.

12th February 2024 at 8:31 pm

I went to Ely in 2017 and 2018, both magnificent concerts. Unfortunately I am unable to travel these days. Exciting that you will be going to Lincoln for the first time. Very best wishes, Malcolm.

14th February 2024 at 2:28 pm

Hi, I notice the Ely cathedral booking has opened already. It also appears to be selling row A and B. This is a change from past concert which usually started at row C. There was more than enough room at both the last two Ely concerts to accommodate row A and B. However, could you please confirm there is no issue with that, as I don’t want to buy a row A or B only to have it taken away from me at a later date.

16th February 2024 at 8:29 pm

Hi Felix. Tickets went on sale slightly earlier than we were expecting. Rows A and B are on sale – you may be thinking of St John’s Smith Square where we do have to remove A and B to accommodate the full size stage.

16th February 2024 at 12:37 pm

I would like to attend the concert in Ely on 8th June. But I have encountered difficulty by choosing between the adult and concession ticket. Would anyone please let me know if I am eligible to purchase a concession ticket?? Please reply as soon as possible because I plan to get the tickets in few days.

16th February 2024 at 8:27 pm

Concession prices are available for people in receipt of a state pension, and students in full time education.


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