
9th April 2023



Album Details – Forever
International Release date: 23 June 2023
USA Release date: 7 July 2023
Catalogue No: IHCD91
Format: CD digipack & Digital
Label: Libera Music / Invisible Hands Music
Number of tracks: 13
Studio Album
  1. Beati Quorum

    Beati, beati, beati quorum via integra est.

    Let all that dwell underneath the sky,
    across the sea.
    Brighten the dark fill us with the light of day you bring.

    Jubilate Deo omnis terra
    Servitae Domino in laetitia

    The stars shine bright the angels sing.
    To you for evermore we bring.

    Beati Quorum via integra est in aeterna.

    Let all that dwell underneath the sky,
    across the earth.
    Lift up your voice across the sea
    Jubilate Deo Omnis terra

    Servitae Domino laetitia

    The sun shines bright the angels sing,
    to you for evermore we bring

    Beati Quorum via integra est in aeterna.

  2. God Only Knows

    I may not always love you
    But long as there are stars above you
    You never need to doubt it
    I’ll make you so sure about it
    God only knows what I’d be without you

    If you should ever leave me
    Though life would still go on believe me
    The world could show nothing to me
    So what good would living do me
    God only knows what I’d be without you

    God only knows what I’d be without you

  3. Far Away

    Wherever I go
    Far away and anywhere
    Time after time you always shine
    through dark of night calling after me

    And wherever I climb
    Far away and any where
    You raise me high beyond the sky
    through stormy night lifting me above

    Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus

    Whenever I cry
    Far away and anywhere
    You hear me call when shadows fall
    your light of hope showing me the way

    And wherever I climb
    Far away and any where
    You raise me high beyond the sky
    through stormy night lifting me above

    Far away beyond the sky

  4. Ave Verum

    Ave verum corpus, natum
    de Maria Virgine,
    vere passum, immolatum
    in cruce pro homine
    cuius latus perforatum
    fluxit aqua et sanguine
    esto nobis prægustatum
    in mortis examine.

    O Iesu dulcis, O Iesu pie,
    O Iesu, fili Mariae.
    Miserere mei.

  5. The Lighthouse

    At the end of the jetty
    where the walk-way meets the blue.
    I’ll stand a-lone in the dark-ness
    shining through.

    No wind can sway me.
    All rain a welcome shower.
    To muse is to soar through heaven.
    Hour on hour.

    Roving through the night,
    weary hearts ignite,
    when they catch a glimpse
    of that familiar light,
    Nothing anywhere ever can compare
    to the one who’s always there

    O, great conveyor
    for you I’ll be an aid.
    You’ll steer an untroubled passage

    But, sweet deliv’rer,
    one day, to me, at tend.
    I’ll long to hear you calling,
    my friend

    Roving through the night,
    weary hearts ignite,
    when they catch a glimpse
    of that familiar light,
    Nothing anywhere ever can compare
    to the one who’s always there

    Out of the fog out of the mire
    a familiar outline fires afar.
    Hurrying over the glimmering bath
    stemming the tide holding us apart.

    Ploughing ahead with certain design,
    a shot in the dark, an invisible line,
    long awaited, hurtling through,
    into the light and I’m born anew.

    Now after all, returned again,
    you heard my call, you heard, my friend,
    and while away, I watched afar,
    now here you’ll stay, now here you are.

  6. O Beata

    O beata, benedicta et gloriosa Trinitas,
    O Pater Filius, O Spiritus sanctus.
    O vera et summa et sempiterna Trinitas,
    O Pater Filius, O Spiritus Sanctus.

    O blessed and glorious Trinity
    O Father, Son, O Holy Spirit.

    O true, supreme and eternal Trinity
    O Father, Son, O Holy Spirit.

  7. Anima Christi

    Anima Christi, sanctifica me.
    Corpus Christi, salva me.
    Sanguis Christi, inebria me.
    Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.

    Passio Christi, conforta me.
    O bone Jesu, exaudi me.
    Intra vulnera tua absconde me.

    Ne permittas me separari a te.
    Ab hoste maligno defende me.
    In hora mortis meae voca me.

    Et jube me venire ad te,
    Ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te,
    Per infinita saecula saeculorum,

    Soul of Christ, sanctify me
    Body of Christ, save me
    Blood of Christ, inebriate me
    Water from the side of Christ, wash me

    Passion of Christ, strengthen me
    O good Jesus, hear me
    Within Thy wounds hide me

    Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
    From the malignant enemy defend me
    In the hour of my death call me

    And bid me come unto Thee
    That with Thy Saints I may praise Thee
    Forever and ever.

  8. Come My Way

    Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:
    such a way as gives us breath;
    such a truth as ends all strife;
    such a life as killeth death.

    All holy lord who art the light and day,
    This night we pray to thee, guard and keep us safe
    So pierce the gloom and drive the night a way
    Then lead us day by day to thy glorious light

    Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
    Such a joy as none can move;
    Such a love as none can part;
    Such a heart as joys in love.

    Lift us from sorrow grief and fear and protect us ever more.

  9. At Sea

    Now find we all at sea,
    short a compass, suddenly;
    Out on the water, far from home,
    wandering further to the unknown
    Call out to escort us, call out to me.
    Call out to support us, call out to me.

    Now find we ill at ease,
    less a rudder, drawn on the breeze;
    Charting a course not travelled before,
    wondering when we’ll find the shore.
    Call out to escort us, call out to me.
    Call out to support us, call out to me.

    Now find we cast adrift,
    fearful were the tides to shift;
    Gathering closer to stave off the cold,
    heartened to have each other to hold.
    Call out to escort us, call out to support us, call out to me.

  10. Sing For Ever

    I will sing for you at the start of each day,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you
    In all things I do in the dawn of’ my life,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you

    Shutting out night my life renewed,
    Happy for love that is to come
    Opening eyes I’ll follow you
    Glad to see, glad to be yours

    Echoing what you say,
    Shining out what you are,
    Out of dark, into your light

    I will sing for you in the light of each day
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you
    In all things I do at the noon of my life,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you

    I will sing for you at the end of each day,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you
    In all things I do in the eve of my life,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you

    I will sing for you each and every day,
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you
    In all things I do to the end of my life
    I’ll sing for ever, sing for you

  11. Be Still My Soul

    Be Still my soul, the Lord is on thy side
    bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
    leave to thy God to order and provide
    in every change he faithful will remain
    Be still my soul, thy best thy heavenly Friend
    through thorny ways leads to a joyful end

    Be still my soul, when dearest friends depart
    and all is darkened in the vale of tears
    then shalt thou better know his love, his heart
    who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears
    Be still my soul, the waves and winds still know
    his voice who ruled them while he dwelt below

    Be still my soul the hour is hastening on
    when we shall be forever with the Lord
    when disappointment, grief and fear are gone
    sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
    Be still my soul, when change and tears are past
    All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

  12. A Grateful Heart

    Thou that hast given so much to me,
    Give one thing more – a grateful heart;
    Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
    As if Thy blessings had spare days;
    But such a heart whose pulse may be
    Thy praise.

    Thou that hast given so much to me,
    Give one thing more – a grateful heart;

  13. Love Shine A Light

    Love shine a light in every corner of my heart
    Let the love light carry, let the love light carry
    Light up the magic in every little part
    Let our love shine a light in every corner of our hearts

    Love shine a light in every corner of my dreams
    Let the love light carry, let the love light carry
    Like the mighty river, flowing from the stream
    Let our love shine a light in every corner of my dreams

    And we’re all gonna shine a light together
    All shine a light to light the way
    Brothers and sisters, in every little part
    Let our love shine a light in every corner of our hearts

    Love shine a light in every corner of the world
    Let the love light carry, let the love light carry
    Light up the magic, for every boy and girl
    Let our love shine a light in every corner of the world

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