
1st October 2024



Album Details – Dream
International Release date: 22 November 2024
Catalogue No: IHCD92
Format: CD digipack & Digital
Label: Libera Music / Invisible Hands Music
Number of tracks: 14
Studio Album
  1. Seabird

    I followed a bird to the sea shore
    And I saw more in considered flight
    They took to the sky in a sequence
    Like imprints of my toes in sand
    They turned all as one
    And showed me how I can dream

    Tread softly I heard as they circled
    And go slowly, keep your hopes alight
    And look to the brink of a sea change
    And be certain as you take our hand
    I moved with the sound
    Of waves all around in step with the moon

    All hope came ablaze like the thunder
    And wonder like northern lights
    I knew as they flew I could join them
    On adventures to unknown sights
    My toes in the sand
    And birds in my hand chasing a dream

  2. One Small Voice

    One small voice is all I have to sing
    Though modest and gentle
    I’ll be forever singing

    One small song is all I have to share
    Though humble and simple
    Through all time it will be ringing

    When I lose my way
    When I’m alone without direction
    Stay with me, be my comforter
    And protect me from all danger and all harm
    Be forever with me now and ‘til the end
    Be forever my companion and my friend

    One full heart is all I’ll ever need
    For loving and serving
    To show compassion and forgiving

    One full life is all I long to lead
    And sing of my gladness
    That in your radiance I’ll be living

  3. Dream You Of

    Lifegiving love, dream you of
    Ever long in your heart, dream you of

    When under dark clouds walking without an end in sight
    I will to you, as a shelter, promise a place of light
    When in the wilderness searching, thirsty and all alone
    I will appear an oasis, easing your weary bones.

    O lux de lumine
    Redemptor saeculi
    Laudes sumere

    When under strain of battle, faltering in the fight
    I will enfold you in armour, follow you through the night

    Dominus meum
    Dominus firmamentum meum

  4. The Lark’s Last Song

    The lark’s last song is o’er the meadow sweeping
    in homage now to thee

    The parting call he’s ardently completing
    with golden filigree

    The head is lifted high, the melody sublime,
    a beauteous lustre blooming now, blooming now,
    blooming now from the tallest bough

    The lark’s last song is sorely only fleeting
    yet lingers on after fading away

    The sound is gone but never truly lost
    within us it shall remain

    He takes no more to flight, now sings his lullaby
    now sings the lullaby that carries him to eternal rest

    What greater joy.
    What greater joy I’ll find like no other
    to breathe my last for another
    no greater joy than to breathe my last in joyous song to thee

    So my last song when time it comes to singing
    will cherish the heart of thee

    Let all fall soft and fall together still
    to hear the words I longed to speak to thee

  5. Always There

    When the evening comes and day is done
    When tomorrow seems so far, far away
    If you cry for what has gone, or fear for what’s to come
    Still the dawn will wake another day

    As the shadows of the night appear
    And regret and sorrow sigh you to sleep
    All the things that might have been, that never were foreseen
    Still the dawn is never far away

    Always there, at your side, in the whispers of the night
    I’ll be there every day, in the mist of morning light
    Then the song we shall sing lasts for all time
    As the clouds will pass away and the night turns to day
    I’ll be there

    Always be there for you

  6. Twilight

    Twilight is stealing over hill and sea
    Vesper bells pealing call us to thee
    Lowly confessing trespass and shame
    Bravely expressing faith in thy name

    Low at thy mercy seat
    Father thy children meet
    Craving thy guidance sweet
    Call to thee

    Call us to thee o’er hill and sea
    Call us to thee

    Praising with one accord
    Hearing thy holy word
    Here let our service Lord
    Call to thee

  7. Once (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence)

    Once upon a dream
    I was searching for you
    Once upon a dream
    I called to you
    Once upon a dream
    I was lost and lonely
    Once upon a dream

    Once upon a time
    Now there’s only but a
    memory of the time
    I feel it still
    Once upon a time
    How I cherish all the
    memories of that time

    Once upon a place
    Where we built our future
    There within that place
    It haunts me still
    Once upon a place
    How my life retains the
    imprint of that place

    Once upon a wish
    That we’ll move together
    Held within a wish
    Knowing that a wish
    Is enough to hold me
    In your loving arms.

    Once upon a life
    Walking hand in hand through
    Moments of our life
    For evermore
    Once upon a life
    Spent together sharing
    Every part of life


  8. When I am Laid in Earth (Dido’s Lament)

    When I am laid, am laid in earth
    May my wrongs create no trouble in thy breast

    Remember me, but ah forget my fate.

  9. Veni Sancte Spiritu

    Veni sancte
    Veni sancte, spiritu sancta
    Veni spiritu

    On a hill top I have heard you through the whisper of the trees
    Your voice rings out whenever I listen and carries on the breeze

    In the distance I have felt you, through the movement in the air
    The wind blows strong about my face and I know that you are there

    A light to guide and comfort us, in trouble give us hope
    A song to light our joyful hears, O cantate domino

    In my memory I have known you, like a dream that’s passed away
    Ever old and new you’ll carry me through to the brightness of the day

    Veni spiritu, sancte spiritu, veni gloria
    Veni spiritu, sancte spiritu
    Shine forever in our hearts and fill us with life we pray


  10. Resurrectio

    Ego sum resurrection et vita
    Qui credit in me, non morietur in aeternum

    I am the resurrection and the life
    Who believeth in me though dead shall have life

    Chorus angelorum te suscipiat
    Et aeternum habeas requiem

    And all who live and believeth in me
    They shall never die but live eternally

    Within a dream I heard you call my name
    An everlasting voice that is unchanged
    From the beginning to the end of things
    O come and carry me upon your winds

    O come and carry me away

    Requiem aeternam dona eis domine

    Et omnis qui vivit et credit non morietur in aeternum.

  11. Going Home

    Going home, going home
    I am going home
    Quiet like some still day
    I am going home

    It’s not far, just close by
    Through an open door
    Work all done, care laid by
    Never fear no more

    Mother’s there expecting me
    Father’s waiting too
    Lots of faces gathered there
    All the friends I knew

    I’m just going home

    No more fear, no more pain
    No more stumbling by the way
    No more longing for the day
    Going to run no more.

    Morning star lights the way
    Restless dreams all gone
    Shadows gone, break of day
    Real life has begun

    There’s no break, there’s no end
    Just a living on
    Wide awake with a smile
    Going on and on

    Going home, going home
    I am going home
    Shadows gone, break of day
    Real life has begun

    I’m just going home.

  12. Lullay

    Lully lulla
    Sing lully lullay

    Lay down your head, leave the day,
    cast out your thoughts
    I will sing them all away

    When darkness falls, look to me
    I’ll stay by your side
    My song will be your guide

    When you’ve closed your eyes
    When you’ve found your way
    I’m still here (here in the darkness)
    Who will sing for me?

    Who will sing me to sleep?
    Will you sing me to sleep?

    Sing me to sleep.

  13. Music was Born (from Rhapsody in Blue)

    Music was born to help the world go round
    Born to adorn it with a sweet sound
    Music to me is all we want it to be
    For music is there to help all us to see
    The things we may not always see

    And music I know will help the world to grow
    (Showing us places dreamers all dream of,
    Sending us heavenwards leading us forward
    Sharing its beauty giving us new hope)

    Music moves on and thought it moves slow
    (Wandering onwards, making new mem’ries
    Taking us on to happy tomorrows)

    Music will show the way to things we don’t know
    It’s there for you and for me, it loves us all equally

    I love music and I know that music loves me

  14. Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

    So this is Christmas and what have you done?
    Another year over, a new one just begun

    And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun
    The near and the dear ones, the old and the young

    A very merry Christmas and a happy new year
    Let’s hope it’s a good one without any fear

    And so this is Christmas for weak and for strong
    The rich and the poor ones, the road is so long

    And so Happy Christmas, for black and for white
    For the left and the right ones, let’s stop all the fights

    And so this is Christmas and what have we done?
    Another year over and a new one just begun

    And so Happy Christmas, we hope you have fun
    The near and the dear ones, the old and the young

    War is over if you want it
    War is over now

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