


2236 entries.
Martin Grodd 13th December 2023
Moin aus Hamburg, Vielen Dank für euer tolles Konzert am 2.12.2023 in London. Ich habe mich im Vorwege es auf das Kontert gefreut und ihr habt ein tolles Konzert abgeliefert. Vielen Dank auch an die Helfer die es ermöglicht haben, dieses umzusetzen. Ich freue mich auf 2024 Grüße Martin
Moin aus Hamburg, Vielen Dank für euer tolles Konzert am 2.12.2023 in London. Ich habe mich im Vorwege es auf das Kontert gefreut und ihr habt ein tolles Konzert abgeliefert. Vielen Dank auch an die Helfer die es ermöglicht haben, dieses umzusetzen. Ich freue mich auf 2024 Grüße Martin
Rev. Dr. Ginetta M. Abbate-DeVargas 9th December 2023
My Name is Rev. Dr. Ginetta M. Abbate-DeVargas, President and Creator of Royal Crystal Lighthouse LLC. I would love for Libera to one day perform at my Royal Palace.
My Name is Rev. Dr. Ginetta M. Abbate-DeVargas, President and Creator of Royal Crystal Lighthouse LLC. I would love for Libera to one day perform at my Royal Palace.
Floydian1 9th November 2023
We miss you here in Minnesota! Mom and I were at the last concert in St. Paul back in 2019. What a wonderful night. Please come back! God Bless you all!
We miss you here in Minnesota! Mom and I were at the last concert in St. Paul back in 2019. What a wonderful night. Please come back! God Bless you all!
Kev 31st October 2023
Happy Halloween! Great photo of three boys wedged in wall. Adds to the contemporary theme of Libera. Good eye!!
Happy Halloween! Great photo of three boys wedged in wall. Adds to the contemporary theme of Libera. Good eye!!
Jamie 1st September 2023
I wish you Libera boys a wonderful start to the new school year next week, much success and much joy. And most importantly, sing as much and as long as you can.
I wish you Libera boys a wonderful start to the new school year next week, much success and much joy. And most importantly, sing as much and as long as you can.
Paolo 21st August 2023
Thank you for your music, Libera. Please come back to the Philippines soon. 🙂 Libera's version of John Williams' Somewhere in my memory would be perfect for this Christmas! 🙂
Thank you for your music, Libera. Please come back to the Philippines soon. 🙂 Libera's version of John Williams' Somewhere in my memory would be perfect for this Christmas! 🙂
Kevin M. 5th August 2023
Another outstanding concert!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Bel Air!!!! My good friends and fans of Libera, I suggest you check out Justin Travelog on social media!! He hits it right on the nail with his raving Libera concert reviews!! Thank you Justin!! Good to see you in LA!! I wanted to tell Ludwik that I am half Polish Catholic and half English American. I know he has some Polish in him!! Thanks for that smiling during Smile, Mitch! It said everything! Way to go man!! Oh Freddie! I will say again!! A certain somebody that sings like you has competition! Excellent Freddie!!! Kevin
Another outstanding concert!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! Bel Air!!!! My good friends and fans of Libera, I suggest you check out Justin Travelog on social media!! He hits it right on the nail with his raving Libera concert reviews!! Thank you Justin!! Good to see you in LA!! I wanted to tell Ludwik that I am half Polish Catholic and half English American. I know he has some Polish in him!! Thanks for that smiling during Smile, Mitch! It said everything! Way to go man!! Oh Freddie! I will say again!! A certain somebody that sings like you has competition! Excellent Freddie!!! Kevin
Tuba 20th July 2023
I fell in love with the first boy on the right in Carol of the bells music video..
I fell in love with the first boy on the right in Carol of the bells music video..
Annisa Orchidyanti 19th July 2023
Love your music,love your Songs & love all members,I hope you can come to my city for a concert or festival
Love your music,love your Songs & love all members,I hope you can come to my city for a concert or festival
Kevin 18th July 2023
Great excerpt from beach scene filmed in Japan! Your music is like the sea which connects us. I am thinking of our global sea connections especially in the USA and England! JFK’s sea speech comes to mind as well as the white cliffs of Dover! The guys look refreshed from their craft! New haircuts and those woolen hats fro The Lighthouse are 😎! Luca has a bit of an RFK(RIP)hairstyle going on! Gives a Hyannis Port feel from the Kennedy Compound! 😎!
Great excerpt from beach scene filmed in Japan! Your music is like the sea which connects us. I am thinking of our global sea connections especially in the USA and England! JFK’s sea speech comes to mind as well as the white cliffs of Dover! The guys look refreshed from their craft! New haircuts and those woolen hats fro The Lighthouse are 😎! Luca has a bit of an RFK(RIP)hairstyle going on! Gives a Hyannis Port feel from the Kennedy Compound! 😎!
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