


2237 entries.
Kaleb Forseen 23rd March 2011
Dear Libera,I am an 18 year old boy, known for singing very high, so when I heard of you I freaked out. Two years ago, our varsity show choir used 'salva mae' in a medley with another song for our opener. If you'd like to see it, its on youtube, which is how i saw you all and absolutely became obsessed. I'm a vocal performance major about to go to college and I want to produce the music you do, its just too late in my life....but not my sons'. When i have sons, i want them to be in Libera. I want them to becaome amazing performers, and develop a mature love of music. Thank you for inspiring me to write songs in latin. You are all endlessly talented, and hope even after leaving Libera, you are able to sing for the rest of your life. Your Brother in Christ, Kaleb Forseen
Dear Libera,I am an 18 year old boy, known for singing very high, so when I heard of you I freaked out. Two years ago, our varsity show choir used 'salva mae' in a medley with another song for our opener. If you'd like to see it, its on youtube, which is how i saw you all and absolutely became obsessed. I'm a vocal performance major about to go to college and I want to produce the music you do, its just too late in my life....but not my sons'. When i have sons, i want them to be in Libera. I want them to becaome amazing performers, and develop a mature love of music. Thank you for inspiring me to write songs in latin. You are all endlessly talented, and hope even after leaving Libera, you are able to sing for the rest of your life. Your Brother in Christ, Kaleb Forseen
Bojie Antazo 21st March 2011
When are you coming to Carnrgie Hall to perform, wished you can come this year in New York City, we are excited to see and hear your angelic voices, thank you.
When are you coming to Carnrgie Hall to perform, wished you can come this year in New York City, we are excited to see and hear your angelic voices, thank you.
Dot & JohnWilliams 20th March 2011
We were at Epsom for our seventeenth live Libera UK concert ten of which featured Libera on their own (the best ones) we were not dissapointed the Boys were as usual in top form, not only did we have wonderful singing, marvellous arrangement and superb backing there were also cameos from some of the Boys, Liam, Nivana, Freddie, Cassius and new boy Jude. A wonderful evening, we met up with old friends and made new ones. Sad to see "older Boys" moving on but reassuring to see many new faces amongst the Choir. We are looking forward to your next UK concert, meanwhile have a succesful tour of Canada and enjoy yourselves
We were at Epsom for our seventeenth live Libera UK concert ten of which featured Libera on their own (the best ones) we were not dissapointed the Boys were as usual in top form, not only did we have wonderful singing, marvellous arrangement and superb backing there were also cameos from some of the Boys, Liam, Nivana, Freddie, Cassius and new boy Jude. A wonderful evening, we met up with old friends and made new ones. Sad to see "older Boys" moving on but reassuring to see many new faces amongst the Choir. We are looking forward to your next UK concert, meanwhile have a succesful tour of Canada and enjoy yourselves
jpdlr 18th March 2011
looking forward that you come back in the Philippines. best wishes.
looking forward that you come back in the Philippines. best wishes.
Bob 17th March 2011
Hi Libera,I rank your singing group as a "Classic." Your singing is right up there with the Angels. MOST BEAUTIFUL. Thus, I have a Prayer for all of you. LEGIONS OF ANGELS PRAYER May Legions of Angels descend from the Heavens to watch over all of you and your Families. May God Bless all of you and keep your singing. In Jesus name. Amen Bob Penkivich Redding, California 96003
Hi Libera,I rank your singing group as a "Classic." Your singing is right up there with the Angels. MOST BEAUTIFUL. Thus, I have a Prayer for all of you. LEGIONS OF ANGELS PRAYER May Legions of Angels descend from the Heavens to watch over all of you and your Families. May God Bless all of you and keep your singing. In Jesus name. Amen Bob Penkivich Redding, California 96003
Sydney Nguyen 16th March 2011
Greetings to all of Libera and to all of you wonderful fans who support Libera each and every day. My name is Sydney Nguyen, I am 12 years old, and I live in Wesley Chapel, Florida. Never in my life have I heard such a more perfect choir. With your angelic voices, flowing like a warm breeze, and pure like the beating of the soft wings of a dove. I love listening to choirs sing, and you are the best one yet. Keep up with the great work and bless you all. Please be safe on your way to Canada, as your fans we care so much about you. Have a blessed day and always know that God is there for you, always. Thank you for providing us all with your fantastic music, keep on singing. =)Sincerely, Sydney Nguyen
Greetings to all of Libera and to all of you wonderful fans who support Libera each and every day. My name is Sydney Nguyen, I am 12 years old, and I live in Wesley Chapel, Florida. Never in my life have I heard such a more perfect choir. With your angelic voices, flowing like a warm breeze, and pure like the beating of the soft wings of a dove. I love listening to choirs sing, and you are the best one yet. Keep up with the great work and bless you all. Please be safe on your way to Canada, as your fans we care so much about you. Have a blessed day and always know that God is there for you, always. Thank you for providing us all with your fantastic music, keep on singing. =)Sincerely, Sydney Nguyen
Richard 15th March 2011
Hey there. I absolutely love your music. I was excited to hear you have a tour planned, but disappointed to see that it is so far away. I just moved from Detroit, MI area, and would have gone to see you in a heartbeat. I now live in Arizona, I guess that's not gonna happen. Maybe you can tour the western US sometime soon? Thanks and keep up the great music!
Hey there. I absolutely love your music. I was excited to hear you have a tour planned, but disappointed to see that it is so far away. I just moved from Detroit, MI area, and would have gone to see you in a heartbeat. I now live in Arizona, I guess that's not gonna happen. Maybe you can tour the western US sometime soon? Thanks and keep up the great music!
Madeline 14th March 2011
I'm just one little lady in Oklahoma, but a musician greatly blessed by your music. Ontario is quite a way from Oklahoma, but I am dreaming I can come to the north for the privilege of hearing you in person. Blessings!
I'm just one little lady in Oklahoma, but a musician greatly blessed by your music. Ontario is quite a way from Oklahoma, but I am dreaming I can come to the north for the privilege of hearing you in person. Blessings!
martin 13th March 2011
Oh pleace! When you you come to germany?:o) it´s graet! martin
Oh pleace! When you you come to germany?:o) it´s graet! martin
Leslie 9th March 2011
Thank you for scheduling performances in Kitchener and the other cities here in southwestern Ontario. Your supporters are looking forward to hearing your lovely music once again. I know that many of my colleagues at the elementary school enjoy your music, as well as students who have heard it. I am teaching music to several of our primary classes, and have played Libera songs on occasion. The children listen quietly and take in the lovely melodies and harmonies. They are very impressed by what they have heard. My young students are just beginning to understand what is involved in singing a song with proper technique, and hearing Libera provides them with an excellent role model. Thank you again for the positive influence that you have on young children learning music!
Thank you for scheduling performances in Kitchener and the other cities here in southwestern Ontario. Your supporters are looking forward to hearing your lovely music once again. I know that many of my colleagues at the elementary school enjoy your music, as well as students who have heard it. I am teaching music to several of our primary classes, and have played Libera songs on occasion. The children listen quietly and take in the lovely melodies and harmonies. They are very impressed by what they have heard. My young students are just beginning to understand what is involved in singing a song with proper technique, and hearing Libera provides them with an excellent role model. Thank you again for the positive influence that you have on young children learning music!
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