


2237 entries.
A Friend of Libera 10th July 2011
WOW and Congratulations on being selected to perform at the Starkey Hearing Foundation's Gala Award Show. The Starkey Hearing Foundation does marvelous work around the world. How appropriate that one of the worlds musical treasures is part of this Awards Gala. The sound of Libera brings so much peace and happiness to so many. I think it is wonderful that those recieving help from the Starkey Hearing Foundation may one day be able to experience the beautiful and uplifting music of Libera. Godspeed on your USA Tour.Peace and Thanx!!!
WOW and Congratulations on being selected to perform at the Starkey Hearing Foundation's Gala Award Show. The Starkey Hearing Foundation does marvelous work around the world. How appropriate that one of the worlds musical treasures is part of this Awards Gala. The sound of Libera brings so much peace and happiness to so many. I think it is wonderful that those recieving help from the Starkey Hearing Foundation may one day be able to experience the beautiful and uplifting music of Libera. Godspeed on your USA Tour.Peace and Thanx!!!
guy Huysmans 10th July 2011
Yesterday I saw Libera for the first time on TV.WONDERFULL !!! When do you come to Belgium, please ?
Yesterday I saw Libera for the first time on TV.WONDERFULL !!! When do you come to Belgium, please ?
Kaetlyn 9th July 2011
Glad to see that you all are performing at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis again. It was a breathtaking experience the first time, and I'm positive it will be the second time around. Hopefully though, the meet and greet (if there is one, which I hope there is) will not be outside. It was cool to meet you all, but I would have rather been inside in the light then outside in the dark. Oh, and I also see that you will be performing for former President Bill Clinton. Guess where he's from.... Arkansas! Lol. Just had to point that out. Well, enough chatting. Can't wait to meet you all again. God Bless. Lots of Love from Little Rock , Arkansas.
Glad to see that you all are performing at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis again. It was a breathtaking experience the first time, and I'm positive it will be the second time around. Hopefully though, the meet and greet (if there is one, which I hope there is) will not be outside. It was cool to meet you all, but I would have rather been inside in the light then outside in the dark. Oh, and I also see that you will be performing for former President Bill Clinton. Guess where he's from.... Arkansas! Lol. Just had to point that out. Well, enough chatting. Can't wait to meet you all again. God Bless. Lots of Love from Little Rock , Arkansas.
Douglas Bell 4th July 2011
Lifted my spirit into the heavens.
Lifted my spirit into the heavens.
Dot & John 4th July 2011
just to let you know that we are still following Libera where ever they go if only in mind and spirit, we wish you a very succesful tour of the USA God keep you safe and we hope to see you in concert in the UK later in the year, God bless you all at Libera, Parents,staff and Boys.
just to let you know that we are still following Libera where ever they go if only in mind and spirit, we wish you a very succesful tour of the USA God keep you safe and we hope to see you in concert in the UK later in the year, God bless you all at Libera, Parents,staff and Boys.
Jeremy 4th July 2011
Hey just read ur going to usa to bad ur not coming near me its kinda sad but o well my time will come cant wait hopefully ill see u next year its possible u guys have fun touring dont get hurt or any thing we dont need that any ways keep singing good to see you are enjoying ur self
Hey just read ur going to usa to bad ur not coming near me its kinda sad but o well my time will come cant wait hopefully ill see u next year its possible u guys have fun touring dont get hurt or any thing we dont need that any ways keep singing good to see you are enjoying ur self
Kaetlyn 3rd July 2011
Apparently you all have not found a place yet in St. Louis. Well that seems to be good news. For me anyways. If I don't finish my room in time, I won't be able to attend the concert. So, as long as you all don't have a place to perform, I will have time. I'm sorry if I sound rather selfish, but I've waited for this news since January. Thank you sovery much for coming back. Hope to see you all very soon. Lots of Love from Little Rock, Arkansas. God Bless. 🙂
Apparently you all have not found a place yet in St. Louis. Well that seems to be good news. For me anyways. If I don't finish my room in time, I won't be able to attend the concert. So, as long as you all don't have a place to perform, I will have time. I'm sorry if I sound rather selfish, but I've waited for this news since January. Thank you sovery much for coming back. Hope to see you all very soon. Lots of Love from Little Rock, Arkansas. God Bless. 🙂
Natsumi 3rd July 2011
I really love Libera! They bring relief and relaxation into my life. Sometimes when im tired with my school work, friends problem (cat fight lol), or just in general, tired, i listen to them and i know everything is gonna be fine. 🙂 and im so glad they are coming to USA!!!! I hope they will have signing sessions after the concert!!!!!
I really love Libera! They bring relief and relaxation into my life. Sometimes when im tired with my school work, friends problem (cat fight lol), or just in general, tired, i listen to them and i know everything is gonna be fine. 🙂 and im so glad they are coming to USA!!!! I hope they will have signing sessions after the concert!!!!!
David 2nd July 2011
Hey guys. You all have an amazing voice. never give up on your music. Its a part of you. and your a great inspiration to me. I hold your voices deep in my heart. Wish you the very best in all you do. 🙂
Hey guys. You all have an amazing voice. never give up on your music. Its a part of you. and your a great inspiration to me. I hold your voices deep in my heart. Wish you the very best in all you do. 🙂
s4sharing 2nd July 2011
So what is living all about then? "Peace, Love, Freedom, Music" ...and of course, Libera 😉
So what is living all about then? "Peace, Love, Freedom, Music" ...and of course, Libera 😉
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